Our friends, the Prestons threw a fantastic party on Halloween. We had a chili potluck with amazing cornbread. E had his first encounter with a pinata, which I discovered is one of my favorite party games. Mental note to include a pinata at all parties. Jared, Shannon, & cousin Henry even came to enjoy the festivities. Here a demonstration that E CAN share. Here Henry is enjoying the fantastic car.
The best solution for the boys to enjoy the car together. Everybody wins.
Shannon wins the best costume award. The best part is, all items were from her closet. Not the closet with the dress up clothes, her real closet. I think just the Aqua Net was the only addition. She is a fashion guru. Henry might win second place with the dragon getup. It was pretty great too.
After all of our "smashing" good time at the Prestons' Party (remember the pinata, hehe). We went trick-or-treating in the Prestons' neighborhood which included a firehouse. What a highlight.
The whole fam-damily
E and Henry again, sharing the wheel to the firetruck. We won't mention how E bellowed louder than the fire engine horns when we removed him ever-so-gently from the drivers seat. We won't mention that part at all.
What a long night (and month, eh?)