Wednesday, October 8, 2008

E is walking and talking now

For your information, the file marked "October 2008" contains 277 photos. I tell you we've been b-u-s-y . So be prepared for one million photos, or maybe just 270. I've been working on picking only my favorites, but I'm not very good at it, and I'm not sure I even reallly want to be. Just consider it some extra eye candy. I'll try to be light on the commentary.
This is E's official 13 month old shot. He's now walking around, all over the place and enjoys talking on the phone even. Ethan doesn't seem to love the phone quite as much as the tv remote of course, but I don't think he's going to give that up for several years, John hangs on tight to that remote too, so we see where he gets it. No need to mention anything about where he gets the phone use though, I've already heard it.

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