Monday, February 28, 2011

Keeping Busy in February

This month we went to the Jelly Belly with friends. Unfortunately, they don't allow you to take pictures inside the factory, you know, just in case I decide to use some trade secrets and start making jelly bellies at home.
Tammy, Sophie, and Violet met us there.
 Here are the cute kiddies with the Jelly Belly man himself.
 Lincoln is starting to walk with an assistive device now, well as long as Ethan will let him have it. Unfortunately, since Lincoln has shown an interest in push toys now, they have become much more interesting to Ethan as well.
 But he's slowly getting the hang of it. Literally.
 I remember I have a picture of Ethan in this exact same position. Why, oh why must they want to get beyond this gate so much?
 But since they are as cute as they are, we let them hang out for a bit.
 Ethan loves helping mommy. Any time he can be next to me in the kitchen, he will be. Dishes, Cooking, all of it.
 He's an expert stirrer and actually manages to keep most of the food in the pot, so that's a bonus.
 This little guy is definitely into cruising right now too.
 This little one either poses nicely for the camera,
 OR works on his comedy routine. You just never know.
 This video is extremely long and meant for grandparent perusal. Basically, Lincoln has learned to clap and is showing off his skills, it just takes over a minute for that process to happen, so you may here an excessive amount of "motherese" happening.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Academy of Sciences with the McMillans!

Our friends, the McMillans, invited us to go to the Academy of sciences with them. Ethan and their little boy, Tyler are only 1 week apart, and their next child is I think 3 days apart from Lincoln, so Heidi and I have had a lot of fun with our kids playing together. This was our first visit ever to the Academy of Sciences and I had been wanting to go here for a long time! We jumped at the chance when they invited us to go with them! They had this awesome fish tank that you could walk all across the top with peeking windows. Can you see the stingray swimming by?
 The famous Albino Alligator! John says, he remembers with alligator being there when he was little.
 Ethan loved watching them clean the massive fish tanks.
 There is something about watching the fish in a massive tank that you can kind of get lost in it. I find it very relaxing, which is saying something when you're chasing around this little munchkins.
 Can you tell what this is? I didn't even know that there were upside-down jellyfish living in the oceans!
 Ethan also loved looking at the turtles. John has been working on convincing me to get one of those massive turtles that will grow to be like 3 feet tall. Although I think they are nice, they just don't seem to offer all that much back to the family.
The penguins were awfully friendly and kept the kids entertained for quite a while.
  They also had this huge area of stuffed animals. I guess it beats paying for the care of all of them!
 But in the end, the boys preferred the little portals to the underwater.
 And by the end, they were ready to have some hands on experiences.
 They had this awesome play area for little kids to run some energy out. It included a huge treehouse.
And a giant boat, which Ethan gladly took the helm.
 I loved the little bunkhouse.
 The porthole was cute too.
 We had such a fun time McMillans, Thank you!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lincoln's First Haircut!

I know he's cute, but this kid need a cut!
 Ethan was very helpful in showing Lincoln exactly what was happening during the whole ordeal.
 Lincoln wasn't quite sure he was into the whole idea.
 But as long as he was chewing on something or playing with my necklace, he seemed to do just fine.
 He looks so much older now!