Thursday, November 27, 2008


*Note to my avid readers, I'm sorry that I'm still doing my catch-up homework, but our computer broke, (and may still break again in the not-too-distant future) thankfully we were able to recover everything, but I was not able to update the blog. I'm back on the bandwagon again, and am ready to recommit myself to update again.

We had the Crawford Crazies (love you!) over to our house again this year for Thanksgiving. This is the Holiday that always seems to sneak up on me like a week after Halloween. But we get our fill and I get to eat my favorite food, Thanksgiving Yams. (Enter shout-out for Aunt Sally for her super sweet recipe).
Family Shot:

The star of the show:

Or was it these scrumptious delights? (see the yams, front and center)
Ethan fell in love with Cody this year. Cody had an amazing Indiana Jones hat that he bravely let E play with throughout the festivities. E now repeats "hat" all the time, and does the baby sign along with it.
Here is said Cody, again, entertaining E. I think Cody might have even gotten a little jealous of E's sweet ride.
GG (Great Grandma) and Grandma
Sharon & Tim
Juli, Joanie, & Meriel (Please tell me I've learned to spell your names right)
Courtney, James, Cody, Brigitte, and Zach

Thursday, November 20, 2008


This post is for all of my friends who say that they really want to learn how to make pies, but then never come over to make them with me. aka, my first attempt at a tutorial.  Lucky for you, my friend Tammy did come over (I swear I'm not as bitter as I sound), and even luckier, has a fancy camera to document our hard work. Of course, if you're just looking for the secret recipe, you may find it here (pie crust) and here (Razzleberry Filling). I'm totally famous and was featured as a guest blogger on my friend's recipe blog. I know you're jealous. And without further ado:

Pie Crust That Will Make You Famous
Special equipment:
1 Large Pie tin (I prefer 10 inch)
1 tea towel
1 pastry knife or pastry cutter

Combine the following Ingredients:

2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 pinches sugar

Mix. Then add:
1 cup shortening (I prefer butter-flavored, but do what you must)
Then, using the pastry knife, cut the shortening into the flour mixture,
until it is uniformly the texture of cornmeal (less is more here). 
Pour cold water, about 2 tablespoons at a time, evenly over all and mix quickly with a fork

Shape into a ball, then divide ball into two equal pieces. Cover one ball with a towel.
Using a floured, flat napped tea towel, roll the other ball flat, evenly rolling from the center outward with a rolling pin (nonstick or silicone works best here). Be careful to keep the circle even and round as you roll. Don’t be afraid to patch, either. You will have to occasionally add flour as you roll when the dough begins to stick. 
When the circle becomes approximately the size of your pie tin in diameter, fold in half, and place inside the pie plate. Unfold the pie dough and adjust to fit your pie plate. Patchwork is not frowned upon.
Fill the unbaked pie shell with berries. By berries I, of course, mean a 12 ounce package of frozen raspberries, and 1 pound package of frozen boysenberries. (I have also substituted the costco three berry mix here with delightful results (not the whole bag of course, this is only 1 pie).
In a separate mixing bowl, combine 1/3 cup flour and 1 ½ cup – 1 2/3 cup sugar (depending on how sweet you like it). Pour over the berries. 
Cut 2 tablespoons butter in small chunks and place evenly over flour & berry mixture.
Drizzle 1 Tablespoon vanilla over the top of everything. 
Roll out second ball of dough, using above directions. Then, if you're super fancy like me, you can use cookie cutters to make vents for steam to escape during the baking process.

Place second crust on top with vents. 

Place the second crust over the filling and press the two crusts together at the edge of the pie plate, sealing them to each other. 
Using a sharp knife, cut off both crusts evenly, slightly larger than the pie plate. Tuck the excess under the edge of the plate and crimp the edge of the crusts with your fingers in a decorative pattern all of the way around the pie. Optional: Brush egg-white over the top for a nice glossy finish.
Place in 375 degree oven for about an hour. Cook until lightly browned. Don’t forget to put a baking sheet on the shelf underneath to avoid a messy cleanup. 
Serve with vanilla ice cream.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


E has discovered that hiding in cupboards is an excellent way to entertain oneself. Look at that dashing smile. 14 months already!

That and, enjoying the benefits of being a Costco shopper, you get to play with the cardboard boxes.

E and Henry, his cousin, got to spend quite a lot of time together this month. Next month they will be making bff bracelets. Here are the boys as they enjoy the Oakland Zoo. Neither one seemed too impressed with the whole thing, but mama got some great shots of the giraffes, elephants, lions before the camera went out.
Here are the boys getting a hose down.
Henry playing chauffeur.
E seems a little more wreckless.
Enjoying the views from the Living Room

This month Kai came for a visit (and brought Justin too) and we got the boys together for a photo shoot.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Part 3 - Prestons Party

Our friends, the Prestons threw a fantastic party on Halloween. We had a chili potluck with amazing cornbread. E had his first encounter with a pinata, which I discovered is one of my favorite party games. Mental note to include a pinata at all parties. Jared, Shannon, & cousin Henry even came to enjoy the festivities. Here a demonstration that E CAN share. Here Henry is enjoying the fantastic car.
The best solution for the boys to enjoy the car together. Everybody wins.

Shannon wins the best costume award. The best part is, all items were from her closet. Not the closet with the dress up clothes, her real closet. I think just the Aqua Net was the only addition. She is a fashion guru. Henry might win second place with the dragon getup. It was pretty great too.
After all of our "smashing" good time at the Prestons' Party (remember the pinata, hehe). We went trick-or-treating in the Prestons' neighborhood which included a firehouse. What a highlight.
The whole fam-damily
E and Henry again, sharing the wheel to the firetruck. We won't mention how E bellowed louder than the fire engine horns when we removed him ever-so-gently from the drivers seat. We won't mention that part at all.
What a long night (and month, eh?)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Part 2 - Pumpkin Patch

Several friends of mind got together at the Pumpkin Farm, which we did last year. You can see how E measured up compared to last year. And I know I know, there are one million pictures, but you will notice I didn't even include pictures of other people's kids. I am being picky, these are only the good ones. Because there is a plethora of pictures, I will do my best to not be verbose.
Almost two and a half feet now! Last year, he was barely over the 18 inch mark.
Lest you think I only stick E's head through things, oh no. Everybody gets to play.
Poser. By that I mean, we didn't actually purchase any of these pumpkins. We just pretended to.
E's eyes are too big for his little arms (much like my eyes are always bigger than my stomach)
E and Grandma taking a break from this 85 degree weather! I love California!
You might notice that E had two different outfits on. Simply because he got too hot in the long sleeve onesie, so luckily I packed something a little lighter. Hey, now I'm getting better at being prepared.
Here's one my size...
They had these huge baby swimming pools (is that a paradox?) filled with Lima beans. E didn't want to get out of these. Consequently, we came home with a few still lodged in his diaper.
E also fell in love with this castle and repeatedly went in and out of the doors.

See? Only one picture of E going down the slide, when I'm sure he did this at least 500 times. I'm being selective.
At the end, we decided to take the "Express Train" around the Pumpkin Farm. Totally worth it.