Friday, November 23, 2007

Mitchell Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving on the Mitchell front, my mom had the Beach House this year and all the kids got to come along to celegrate with what else? FOOD! And we did what we like to do best. Absolutely nothing but eating, and then preparing for eating again. That is the joy of the Beach House. When we go down to monterey, at least before, when it was a novel thing, we used to ecplore around there, go to the aquarium, go to China beach, Old fisherman's wharf, kayaking, John Steinbeck museum and the like. Now, we still do a little exploring, but instead of things to do, we know focus on the things to eat. We have our favorites, The fish house at the bottom of the hill, Rosine's, the British Pub, The english candy shop, and many more. Even if our trips are only a weekend long now, we have to fit our favorites in, and if that means 4 meals in one day, so be it. So it's only fitting that we spend this glorious holiday of massive amounts of food intake in this blessed city eating our hearts out.

Here is me, preparing the beloved pies.
And little E, after a nice little meal himself. We call this the fat happies.

And the AFTER:Shannon Wins!Here is a picture of the three preganant ladies in front of the Taqueria that we so love. mmmm Tilapia Cancun, I love you.Sadly I cannot recall what happened to invoke such a face. If I could I would arrange for it to happen daily so I could enjoy my little neice's face every day.Welcome to Northern California, where yes, we do have beaches. And yes, you can go swimming, but you will have to do it in your down coat.

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