Friday, November 25, 2011

We Proudly Present...

Charlotte Anne!
Miss Charlotte decided to make an early debut and arrive on her Grandpa's birthday. She came 3 weeks and one day ahead of her due date and you wouldn't believe the difference in attention that you get based on that one day (Lincoln came three weeks exactly before his due date).
This is me, shocked that she is here so early. John and I were definitely not prepared. We were climbing in the attic and getting the infant seat down while we were waiting for Jane to come to watch the boys. I mean, seriously not ready.
 She was coated in the waxy vernix.
 She was 6 lbs, 11 oz. and 19 inches long.
 Getting her footprints taken.
 Every part of her is so tiny! And her name actually means petite and feminine.
 One of the nurses fashioned her first little bow for her.
 Jane brought the boys in for a visit. They couldn't have been more excited. Lincoln kept exclaiming, "Baby! Baby!" And they each just wanted to give her a million kisses. John and I had to be on the defense telling them to give her some space.
 Ethan holds her for the first time.
 Ma brought so many presents! She took the boys to get mommy some flowers and some new things for their new baby sister. So cute!
 Ethan was such a good big brother. He was being so gentle.
 He wanted to inspect her head to toe and see all her parts. Here he is counting hew toes.
 I can't believe I have three kids now! So crazy!
 So I was saying that we (more she than me) got a lot of extra attention because she was so early. They consider her a "late pre-term" and they had to keep testing her blood sugars to make sure that her blood sugars weren't too low. Poor baby had her foot pricked every hour. Because of that, they didn't want to give her her bath until her numbers were high enough (because at bath time, they get colder and will burn away the sugars a lot faster). So I actually got to see the bath this time. Usually it's always John that goes, so it was nice to be able to see it. Here she is sunbathing under the heat lamp.
 She was totally happy here. I would be too.
 Look how wrinkled her little foot is!
 They started by washing her hair and she totally loved it. She got the full spa treatment.
 She was wide awake after the bath. So nice to be clean!
 First picture of Daddy and our new baby girl!
 We can't get enough of her! 
 That and we have to strip her down so she'll wake up to eat. We have to be so mean to make her eat often enough. She is such a sleepy baby.
 She looks pretty big for a 6 pounder, doesn't she?
 So we were trying to decide who she looks like. When she was first born, I thought she looked just like Ethan. Then, the next day, John took this picture and I thought she looked just like Lincoln.
 So what is your vote? 
 Or  Ethan?
Now she just looks familiar to me and I can't tell at all.
 She is such a little doll. We finally named her at about 11pm the night before we were going to leave. We were all set to go the next morning, then the pediatrician came in (the on-call one) and told us that we had to stay until she was 48 hours old. Ugh! Why didn't she mention that the day before when we talked about leaving the next morning?! She we took a lot more pictures and ended up having a relaxing day. Sure, we were bored, and we missed our boys, but we decided it was good to have a little extra time before getting back to reality.
 Charlotte wasn't too happy about getting into real clothes. I was just happy that I thought of grabbing some real clothes before we ran out the door! Welcome baby girl!


brit said...

I can't believe you have three children either!!! Congratulations. She is beautiful and you look beautiful as well. Enjoy the rest of your holiday season!

Janelle said...

What a cutie!

Sarie said...

I am SO happy for you guys! She is beeeautiful. I can't believe you have three kids either! I'd love to get together when she is a little older. IF ONLY you didn't live a couple states away. Once the crazy settles into a rhythm, you will crave other mothers telling you that they're just as insane as you feel! I'll be here when that happens! xoxoxo

RunnerGirl20 said...
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RunnerGirl20 said...

I can't believe you have three kids either! Wowee. You look great and she is so cute. I don't think she looks like either brother, but she looks a ton like you.

Ps-Runner girl is a name I made up to post anonymously on a blog years ago and now whenever I try to post on a blog like this, it uses it. I cannot figure it out. Katie Bit

Jenny said...

She's adorable! I love the name too with your boys' names. I'm still voting she looks more like Ethan. Congratulations!

liz j said...

Oooh I want to reach through the interwebs and squeeze her! She is so beautiful! How fun! Congrats again.

Tara T said...

Aahhh!!! Congrats!!! She is such a doll!!!! I love when there are lots of new born pics!! And you look amazing!