At this point, I've gotten exactly 2 hours of sleep, thanks to the epidural, but things are moving along nicely.
Time to push! (Gotta love that epidural!)
Who does this to their wife? Take this picture that is.
Only had to push through 2 contractions, it took less than 5 minutes once I started pushing!
Such a proud mama.
Introducing our newest edition:
Lincoln Graham
Born March 29, 11:32am
7 lbs. 7 oz.
19 1/4 inches long
How proud is his big brother!
Miraculously Grandpa was in town and got to come for a visit! We never dreamed that he would be there. Lincoln surprised us by coming so early!

John takes over the bed to finally get a comfy rest. He stayed both nights in the hospital.
Here's our whiteboard full of potential names. We had such a hard time coming up with a name. Nothing like waiting until the last minute!
So happy he's here!
Such a sweet boy. And look at all that hair!
Is that called a lo-jack?
Sleeping like they do.

Time to go home now.
Waiting for the doctors release. This part always seems to take forever!
Ethan loves his brother so much. He's completely obsessed. Just like the rest of us!