Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Celebrations

I had the day off and it was the day before Ethan's birthday so I convinced John that today was an essential day to celebrate. We thought that best would happen if we went to an amusement park. We went to six flags, and the McKissicks came right along with us. I think Tammy and I saw each other every day of the week this week.
Ethan watched pretty intently as we went to the Tiger show first.He kept calling them kitty cats, and I think that's as close as you can expect a boy to be at this age.
We got to see elephants...
Killer whales...
John and Jeff take on the thrill rides...
Stopped a little for some over-priced lunch...
Watched the sharks...
Flew a helicopter...
Said our hellos to life-sized characters...
and surprisingly offered hugs too...
And of course made John take just one picture of me to prove that I was there.
It was a fantastic day.

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