I have always known Ethan is a very athletic kid, but when he learned to ride his bike in one afternoon, without ever falling off, without ever scraping a knee or anything, I was amazed! He probably could have learned months ago -- had we ever tried. My only hesitancy in teaching him was simply that he wouldn't have the judgment to go along with it. He physically probably could have done it last year, but I wasn't quite sure he would know to look both ways on the street and know how to stop quickly and things like that. It was amazing though.
It just came as an idea one morning. Ethan asked to ride his bike outside (as usual -- this is a daily occurrence). On a whim, I decided to take off the training wheels, and just see what would happen.
I literally had to hold onto the bike two times, then it was just a matter of him learning to start the bike by himself. He spent the rest of the afternoon on his bike. That night, when John got home, I had John come and sit in the backyard and told him that Ethan had a surprise for him. Ethan and I had planned that he would come out riding his bike. It worked perfectly! Ethan came around the corner and John was in awe! He couldn't believe how well Ethan was riding! It was an awesome surprise!
The following morning Ethan got out on his bike (I think it was around 7am). He informed me that he was going to start doing tricks and taking jumps. How do they learn this stuff?! I certainly didn't give him those ideas!
Lincoln immediately took possession of the balance bike and claimed it as his own. He can't get his bum on the seat, but he certainly walks all around the yard "riding" his bike.
I'm so proud of my almost 4 1/2 year old riding his bike like no big deal!
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