Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lawrence Hall of Science

Another one of our field trips we took this summer was to the Lawrence Hall of Science. They had a pretty cool exhibit was animated dinosaurs.
 I think my favorite thing was this giant pin machine. You usually see these that are about the size of your hand that you press on and the pins are displaced by your hand and show the image on the other side. Well they had giant-sized ones that Ethan had a ball playing in!
 They had a dino dig area, where you could uncover real dinosaur bones!
 If Lincoln were talking right now, he would be asking "why on Earth am I stuck in this stroller?!"
 Measuring up!
 I remember being mesmerized by one of these when I was little.
 I want to put one of these up in my house! It had all these plastic rectangles that you could manipulate all around this board and create pathways for little balls that you would drop from the top. I would want to play with this one for hours!
 While we were here, I learned that there is no such thing as a bracheosaurus. Evidently the confused the wrong head from a previously named dinosaur. They also claimed that they now believe the dinosaurs had feathers through their teenage years. Weird!
 I loved the little science discovery area too where you could perform all these physics experiments. Don't mind the unders, Ethan did his own experimenting through the pond earlier.
 What a fun place to play! We will definitely have to come back in the future!

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