Saturday, February 9, 2008


vomit: (n) the matter ejected in vomiting, the reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth (I especially like the term ejecting here.)
a.k.a. barf, disgorge, purge, emit, expel, hurl, keck, lose it, regurgitate, retch, ruminate, spew, throw up, upchuck, puke, blow chunks, heave...any others?
Vomiting (also throwing up or emesis) is the forceful expulsion of the contents of one's stomach through the mouth and sometimes the nose.

Yes, through the nose. I've been doing that and the other. So, now I'm catching up on some belated blog news. Since November. Oops. Didn't I warn you about expectations when I started this blog? Not meant to be blogwork. This is meant to be fun. And it still is. So thanks for your patience in letting me be lazy. you'll find out soon what I've been up to.
p.s. no, I'm not pregnant. just the flu.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Missed you at work, but our dear friend in 311 also blessed me with the experience of puking through the nose while I was treating her, I am so sad that it happened to you too, did not look like fun...