Immediately after returning home from ID for Christmas, we headed down to the beach house with our friends. While there we had a fantastic bike ride.
John doesn't look too thrilled about riding his new bike. It might be because I gave him a sound thrashing for not buckling his straps on his helmet. Ahem. Attempting to ride his bike without first buckling his helmet. Safety first, my love.
Teri is a power horse for riding with both Riley and Ethan in the trailer. Those kids get heavy!
And of course we had to let our friend enjoy our favorite park. How many pictures do I ahve exactly of the red roller slide?
April is taking one for the team in helping Jackson down the slide, obviously.
I wish, I WISH, I knew what this conversation was about. Please submit your own caption here.
Playing, as it turns out, is a lot of hard work.
The fantastic bridge.
See? Lincoln had a workout.
We spent lots of time at the beach house also getting our groove on with Rock Band.
Playing some "friendly" games of Settlers too.
Janelle rocked us all with her mad skilz on the guitar. I think she must spend the majority of nap times perfecting the art of Rock band.
We know how to bring in the new year with style.
Do you think we apcked enough people in the beach house. I't sa good things these boys aren't afraid to get cozy, eh?
What would a beach house trip be, without a visit to the tide pools?
Ethan instructed everyone in the fine art of "squish the things."
Everyone got to enjoy the tide pools.
Ethan found his own starfish!
We were extremely fortunate to have low tide at the same time as "optimal colors" time with the camera.
Thank you everyone who was able to come, the Jacobs, Rossi's, Dolls, Lees and Evans! Glad you aren't scared to take a risk on a packed house!