Our little fam, all dressed up.
Here's the spread. Mmm. Looking at it now just makes me hungry for yams.
John's bro, Tim. Good thing we had toys for him, huh?
John's aunt Joan is center, with Ethan's 2nd cousins (I think that's how it works anyway -- John's cousin's children) Zach, Cody, & Courtney.
Time for clean up. Everybody clean up, clean up (Do you all know that song or do you have to have a 2 year old? Singing it is the only way we can get anything done around our house).
Ethan taking it easy in his low-rider.
Here's the spread. Mmm. Looking at it now just makes me hungry for yams.
John's bro, Tim. Good thing we had toys for him, huh?
John's aunt Joan is center, with Ethan's 2nd cousins (I think that's how it works anyway -- John's cousin's children) Zach, Cody, & Courtney.
Time for clean up. Everybody clean up, clean up (Do you all know that song or do you have to have a 2 year old? Singing it is the only way we can get anything done around our house).
Ethan taking it easy in his low-rider.